Thursday, September 13, 2012

4 Months

I don't know how it happened but my little Mister is already 4 months old. 
Time just goes by too fast - it seems like just yesterday he was so tiny and new. 

At his 4 month check up Mason was:

16 lbs 11 oz - 80th%
24.5 inches - 30th%
and a head in the 10th% 
(yes, this Jensen birthed a small headed baby)

The doctor had all sorts of jokes about my little guys weight like how the next diaper size he needs will be depends, and I can probably hold off on starting solids (which I was actually happy to hear - I'm secretly hoping if he never starts solids he will never grow up...), and when I do start solids - most mom's mix the cereal with breast milk, but I could probably stand to use water.

So yep, this guy is a chunk - but I wouldn't have it any other way.

At 4 months - Mason is all smiles, from sun up to sun down. Literally, from the moment I walk in his room in the morning I am greeted with a beaming smile 'til the little smirk I can sometimes get as I put him to bed. 

He is mild mannered, even tempered, and pretty content.

His eyes still haven't decided what color they want to be, but I have a feeling they are going to end up being green like mine - there are some pictures when they already look similar. Other than his Jensen nose - he is all Cameron to me. From the eyebrows up, I don't think you could tell them apart. Their brow bone, hairline and even their forehead wrinkles are all the same.

Being his mom - I'm lucky enough to be the love of his life. There is nothing quite like the way this boy lights up when he sees me - melts my heart every time. I love that he is learning to recognize me and Cameron from other people - but he still hasn't hit the stranger danger stage. 

His little personality is starting to shine through more and more. This kid is masterful when it comes to flirting - he'll look you in the eyes, give you a coy smile and then lower his head just a bit while remaining eye contact. CUTEST. THING. EVER. Along with flirting, he is definitely learning to use his face to express himself. He doesn't cry hardly at all - but his face will tell me exactly what he is thinking. 

He is still a bit tense - his hands have barely started to come unclenched but only when we are at home. He seems to tense right back up when we are in new places. It's like he is a totally different person when we are away from home. He with chat and coo and smile and relax the whole time he is home, but if we walk out that door - this boy turns all sorts of somber. I'm sure most babies are just accustomed to their own surroundings - but coming from a dad that was mortified by the smallest ounce of attention, I wouldn't be surprised if we end up with a little shy guy.

One of my favorite new tricks is this boys little circle lips. I don't know how he manages to do it, but he will just pucker right up and his lips make a perfect circle. As you all know Mason's lips are his trademark - and for good reason - but it still surprises me just how scrumptious those things are.

Some other things worth noting:
Mason is still sleeping about 12 hours every night - it is such a dream!
He has rolled over a few times from his stomach to his back (but only when he gets mad enough)
He still isn't laughing much - but we have gotten a few little giggles out of him (oh my word - so cute)
He is loving his jumper and is happy in there up to 45 minutes (have I mentioned how content he can be?)

Basically I am madly in love with this boy - 4 months is SUCH a fun age. He is still immobile and will lay on the couch and babble with me, his little body is still figuring things out, his little chubby parts are still so baby-like, he is still willing to lay in my arms without trying to sit up - also, he reacts with smiles and squeals and kicks of delight - the perfect amount of response. 
I just want to stop time and have him be this age forever.

(The Mister and I had a little photo shoot on one of Cameron's late nights - we gotta entertain ourselves somehow during the last hours of the day)


Unknown said...

oh my gosh! the one of your pucker faces is soooo cute! oh i just want to squeeze him!!!

Lynette said...

Such cute pictures and also some funny ones. Glad you were able to get those too.

Maga said...

Your little CHUNK is 'the cutest thing ever'!! Glad you both can sleep all night--fun to see you both on Tuesday!!!!

Amy said...

I love him. In a totally non creepy way. That pucker picture is amazing. Love it love it love it!