Sunday, August 12, 2012

My New Life

To say my life has changed since having a baby seems a bit of an understatement. I feel like everything I thought life meant before has gone out the window and there is a whole new meaning to everything I do - and I love it.

I wasn't quite sure how the adjustment to motherhood would go, and admittedly the first few weeks I thought  "what the heck were we thinking?!?"

But then Mason got to be 6 weeks old - magic happened. Our bond (you know, that one that most people feel when they have a baby) finally clicked, we had settled into a routine, and I seemed to be in a constant state of awe and amazement at this little bug. The rough weeks turned into rough days which then turned in to rough moments. I have wanted time to stop since he turned 6 weeks, but for some reason that just isn't happening.

Now my little guy is 3 months old, 3 MONTHS! How does this happen? He is funner than ever and fulfills every part of me. My days are filled with grunts, grins, and babbling. I relish the smile on his face when I first walk in to get him in the morning, the 20 minute chat I get to have with him as he talks my ear off while pumping after he eats (baby talk is just about the sweetest thing ever), the quiet moments I get while singing him a song before putting him down for a nap, the contentment he finds while laying on his changing table (he could be happy laying there all day), the way a bath can calm him at the peak of his freak outs (which luckily are rare), his little body that grows by the day and is now bursting at the seems of nearly every outfit he owns, and so many other things.

I'm trying to live in the moment and not wish away this sweet little babyhood. I find something so sad/precious that this is the only time I will only have this one child and I can spend all my time loving every little move he makes. I love that it is just me and him and I know that there will always be a corner of my heart that will ache for these days many years from now. 

I'm happier than I can ever remember being. Being a mom seems to make me overly sappy (as you can tell by every blog post gushing about something), but I feel like this mother's love has changed me. The world has a whole new look - beautiful in every way and scarier than ever as I know it will soon leave it's mark on this innocent baby. Everyday seems to be profound and mundane all at the same time. Much of my life is still the same, but looking at things as a mom makes it all so different. I understand so much better why the role of motherhood has such divine connections - it softens you as nothing else could.

Here is a little glimpse into my new life - a summer evening on the lawn:

I know everyone think's their own kid is just the cutest - and I'm definitely one of them. But, I don't know how you could not fall in love with that chubby little body, big steel-gray eyes, and kissable lips.

I'm in love - in every possible way.


Unknown said...

I LOVE this post more than anything. I need to talk to you! areyou back at work yet? Can you email? Email me if you can...
i'll call you later if I don't hear from you today.

Brett and Jessica said...

Beautiful post! You are such a cute mommy, and Mason, oh my, I love that boy and his chub. He is adorable.

Jaime said...

This is so sweet and Mason seriously gets cuter and cuter.

Shannon said...

This was such a powerful post, Jill. Great writing. I can completely feel your joy and love for motherhood.

Sure love you!

Maga said...

Powerful post!!! CUTE CUTE BABY
Call Trent so I won't have to be
a robot, but don't quit blogging,