Monday, June 18, 2012

On The Move

When I first met Cameron and we had the usual conversations of childhood stories, it was brought up that he was walking at a mere 8 months - 8 months! Can you imagine? Oh how I wonder how Lynette dealt with that...

So as you can imagine, I have a small fear that our little Mason just might follow in Cameron's steps (no pun intended).

So far, it is looking like it just might go that way.

He has always had a pretty strong neck and has held his head up pretty well for a while now, he is constantly moving (kicking, squirming, etc), and has gotten pretty good at rolling over (which started when he was just about 3 weeks).

Today was probably my favorite advancement to watch. I propped Mason up on the boppy for tummy time and before I knew it he was on the move - he kicked himself up and over and then rolled over. 

I guess he was pretty adamant that he did NOT want to do tummy time today.


Lynette said...

Oh yes, you are in for a fun time with this one. Fidgety, just like his dad. I would not be one bit surprise if was walking early. But, for you sake.....I hope it isn't that early.

Jamie said...

What?! How is already moving so much? Good luck with that. That kid is going places!